Далай дахь амьд үлдэх ба гар урлал v210 Mod (Хязгааргүй мөнгө) Apk

Далай дахь амьд үлдэх ба гар урлал v210 Mod (Хязгааргүй мөнгө) Apk

Тоглоом , Simulation

Megaplay Studios үнэгүй тоглоомууд

4.2/5 - (13 санал)

Survival on raft Crafting in the Ocean is a rapidly growing project on raft survival in the middle of a vast expanse of water. The protagonist miraculously survived the crash and has to make every effort not to die of hunger or the teeth of a bloodthirsty shark. It is necessary to collect different garbage, to catch, to craft, to develop, and to expand valuable supplies, to rethink plans for the future, and to try to implement them successfully and smoothly. Fans of action in tight and risky conditions should definitely test their strength with the skills of this entertainment.
* Амьд үлдэх симулятор
* Гар урлалын жортой танилцана уу!
* Нөөцийг гаргаж аваарай!
* Бүтээж, сайжруулаарай!

Далай дахь амьд үлдэх ба гар урлалыг v210 Mod (Хязгааргүй мөнгө) Apk үнэгүй татаж авах

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