Killa Icons  Adaptive Icon Pack vAddy APK Patched

Killa Icons Adaptive Icon Pack vAddy APK Patched

apps , Personalizzazzjoni


Rata din il-kariga

Deskrizzjonijiet: My newest and maybe best creation. Killa symbols are customizable and made with subtle gradients.
Karatteristiċi :

+ Pakkett ta 'ikoni b'aktar minn 1500 simbolu
+ Choose any shape!
+ 10 customized background images
+ 15 widgets KWGT
+ Supports dynamic calendars and live clocks
+ 70+ special symbols included
+ Visual effects when dragging the symbol
+ Talbiet għal simboli bla limitu
+ Pakkett ta 'ikoni ġdid fjamant, aktar ikoni u wallpapers se jsegwu dalwaqt!

Meħtieġ Android Verżjonijiet: Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Download Killa Icons Adaptive Icon Pack vAddy APK Patched Free
