StoryLab insta story art maker għal Instagram v3.5.2 APK Vip

Deskrizzjonijiet: Story Lab is an Instagram story editor and design kit that has 400+ Ig stories and 300+ feed templates that you can use to create beautiful Ig collage layouts and stories for Instagram story creation can. Unique Insta Stories and Ig Posts are created using templates or can be created on a blank avatan canvas. You can customize them with Insta-Story style filters and overlays, text, stickers and brushes. StoryLab makes it super easy to design great Instagram stories, Insta posts, and even highlight cover icons and logos for Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, and Snapchat.

Karatteristiċi :

+ 700+ mudelli Instagram personalizzabbli. Ipprova tkun Artist tal-Istorja tal-Insta!
+ 9:16 istorja & 1: 1 mudelli ta 'post joħolqu Trending Ins Story.
+ Tipi differenti ta 'frejms inklużi film, polaroid, nichi Ġappuniż, eċċ.
+ Use an avatan sun visor template to turn your instory into color and IG story art.
+ Use post templates to mix photos or design your own Insta story art.
+ Jappoġġja kemm ritratti kif ukoll vidjows: D.
+ Change the background and use the color picker to choose a color that suits your story.
+ Enter your ig story and tell it with over 50 Avatan manuscripts.
+ Żejnu l-istejjer tiegħek insta nichi bi stikers sbieħ.
+ Keep updating more Ins stickers with new trends.
+ Create a color story with over 100 stunning Avatan Lightroom and VSCO presets.
+ Natural light leak overlay and sun visor effects for your Insta story.
+ More sun visor effects will be updated including Avatan, Glitch, VHS and prequel-like retro effects.
+ Uża xkupilji u ċċaqlaq 100 nisġa biex toħloq l-istorja ta 'Kirakira.
+ Aktar funzjonijiet tal-pinzell qed jistennew li l-artisti ta 'Instagram u l-edituri tal-ins-storyart jinfetħu.

Meħtieġ Android Verżjonijiet: Lollipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Qanzir [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0-8.1]

Niżżel StoryLab insta story art maker għal Instagram v3.5.2 APK Vip Ħieles
