Hello Haylou v1.8.1 Premium APK

Hello Haylou v1.8.1 Premium APK

غوښتنلیکونه , روغتیا او فټنس

پراختیا کونکی:
تبور بورسوس

د دې څخه وروسته د وڅېړئ

برخی :

+ Cooperation with the official Haylou apps or completely independent working mode
+ normal and internet call signal with caller display
+ Call signal with caller display
+ shows the notification texts of the app on the watch
+ show the most common emoticons
+ Conversion to capital letters
+ customizable character and emoji replacement
+ Show battery status
+ Notification of low battery

د اړتیا وړ Android نسخه: لولیپپ [5.0-5.0.2] - مارشمیلو [6.0 - 6.0.1] - نوګټ [7.0 - 7.1.1] - اوریو [8.0-8.1]

Download Hello Haylou v1.8.1 Premium APK Free
