RAM & Game Booster by Augustro v2.3 APK Paid

RAM & Game Booster by Augustro v2.3 APK Paid

غوښتنلیکونه , وسیلې

پراختیا کونکی:

4.5/5 - (23 رایې)

توضیحات:Augustro RAM & Game Booster is a powerful and efficient offline RAM cleaner and optimizer with built+in automatic game booster. There is no advertising.
برخی :
+ Powerful manual RAM booster.
+ Automatic game booster with high priority.
+ Automatically boost games
+ Automatic intelligent booster
+ Automatic RAM percent booster
+ Automatic Timely Booster
+ Automatic Screen Event Booster
+ 1X1 home screen widget.

د اړتیا وړ Android نسخه: آیس کریم سینڈوچ [4.0.3–4.0.4] - جیلی بین [4.1–4.3.1] - کیټ کیټ [4.4–4.4.4] - لالیپپ [5.0–5.0.2] - مارش میلو [6.0 - 6.0.1] - نوګټ [7.0 - 7.1.1] - اوریو [8.0-8.1]

Download RAM & Game Booster by Augustro v2.3 APK Paid APK Free

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