Karate King Fighting Games Super Kung Fu Fight v1.7.8 Mod (Unlimited Money) Apk

Karate King Fighting Games Super Kung Fu Fight v1.7.8 Mod (Unlimited Money) Apk

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هن عهدي درجه بندي

Karate King Fighting Games Super Kung Fu Fight is a fighting game with good graphics and animation as well as classic features that are characteristic of various cult series of this genre. Players can choose the fighter they like, each with their own qualities and skills, and then they begin to take part in fights with numerous rivals for first place in the tournament. Convenient controls, as far as possible for touchscreens, will help you fully control the situation and immediately react to all actions of your opponent. This means that players are more than happy with the gameplay on offer.
* ڪنگ فو ڪنگ فائٽس ۾ پنهنجي سپر ڊريگن ڪراٽي ليجنڊ سان کيڏيو
* ڪنگ فو جي ويڙهاڪن کي شڪست ڏيو ۽ ايندڙ ٽورنامينٽ کي کولڻ لاءِ انعامي پوائنٽون حاصل ڪيو
* سپر ننجا پاور استعمال ڪريو تيزيءَ سان چئلينج ڪندڙ جي توانائي کي گھٽائڻ لاءِ
* خطرناڪ ويڙهاڪن جي خلاف وڙهندا ۽ ڊريگن ڪراٽي چيمپئن بڻجي ويا
* خوبصورت گرافڪس ۽ ماحول توهان جي وڙهڻ جو شوق وڌائڻ لاءِ
* ٽچ اسڪرين جي غير معمولي ۽ هموار ڪنٽرول

Download Karate King Fighting Games Super Kung Fu Fight v1.7.8 Mod (Unlimited Money) Apk Free
