GOM Audio Plus Music, Sync lirik, Streaming v2.3.8 APK Dibayar

Katerangan: GOM Audio Plus is a high quality music player that supports the synchronization of texts while playing music files. The users can listen to music while viewing texts. They can also play and download popular podcast programs and cloud music on GOM Audio Plus.

Fitur :

+ Smart Lock Screen nawiskeun Screen Stay On, Singkronkeun Lirik, Puter Gancang sareng Daptar Puter Ayeuna.
+ GOM Audio offers different types of widgets that allow users to create their own settings in terms of size, function (Sync Lyrics / Quick Play), color and others.
+ Smart Lock Screen nawiskeun sababaraha fungsi kalebet Keep Keep, Sync Lyrics, Quick Play and Current Playlist
With + Sync Lyrics Viewer, users can view or search for synchronization texts of the music currently playing.
+ Podcast ngamungkinkeun para pangguna pikeun hirup streaming sareng unduh saluran populér.
+ My Music ngamungkinkeun para pangguna pikeun ngatur daptar puter ku pilihan, artis, albeum sareng folder.
+ GOM Audio allows users to manage various basic playlists. Also, users can create their own playlist from Add to My Playlist.
+ GOM Audio ngadukung DropBox, sistem panyimpen awan Google Drive. GOM Audio ogé ngadukung WebDAV sareng FTP.
+ Play Gancang ngamungkinkeun para pangguna maén atanapi ngarobih musik dina widget atanapi layar konci tanpa ngajalankeun aplikasi.
+ Ulang otomatis mangpaat pikeun tujuan streaming sareng akademik.
+ Nada Dering kuring ngamungkinkeun pangguna pikeun ngarobih lagu khusus kana ringtonna.
+ Rojongan sababaraha jinis file musik (sapertos MP3, WMA, jsb).
+ Can switch synchronization texts on and off with a long tap.
+ You can change the screen by tapping the sync text or the album art on the sync text displays.
+ Bisa maénkeun musik saméméhna / salajengna ku swiping ka kenca atanapi ka katuhu.
+ Bisa mindahkeun lokasi ku ngetok dua kali dina téks khusus.
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Perangkat Android anu dibutuhkeun: Jelly Bean [4.1–4.3.1] - KitKat [4.4–4.4.4] - Lollipop [5.0–5.0.2] - Marshmallow [6.0 - 6.0.1] - Nougat [7.0 - 7.1.1] - Oreo [8.0- 8.1]

Unduh GOM Audio Plus Music, Sync lirik, Streaming v2.3.8 APK Dibayar Gratis
